Welcome to Soft clean co!

Here at soft clean co we make it our priority to present our clients with the upmost satisfaction guaranteed with our professional cleaning services. our professional cleaning service comes ready and prepared to make your living space warm,homey and clean. we do all the work while you relax. we offer deep cleaning,basic cleaning, one day cleaning,weekly cleaning,bi-weekly,monthly and yealry cleaning.

Our Services

  • Basic cleaning package

    This package is standard. with this package you get up to 12 basic cleaning per monthwe clean the obvoiuse places such as the kitchen,rooms,bathrooms,mop,sweep,dusting,throwing out trash.

  • Deep cleaning package

    This package is our premium package with this package. you will get up to 4 deep cleanings per month the deep cleaning includes cleaning the baseboards,cleaning out the trash,fridge,oven,taking out the garbage,dishes,cleaning rooms,kitchen,bathrooms etc

  • Custom package

    Custom package is geared to your desires.

  • Move in clean

    Our move in cleans are automatically deep cleanings this service is usually considered whenever clients are moving into a new unit and would like for the unit to be cleaned prior to moving in.

  • Move Out

    Our move in cleans are automatically deep cleanings this service is usually considered whenever clients are moving out of a unit and would like for the unit to be cleaned.

  • Commercial cleaning

    For commercial cleaning we ask that you contact us